28 February 2023 to 2 March 2023
Europe/Dublin timezone

Local directions

The meeting will be held in the HMI facilities in the Hamilton Building, at the east end of the main campus of Trinity College. 

There are four entrances to the campus: the front gate (on College Green), from Nassau Street (at the bottom of Dawson Street), and from Pearse Street and Lincoln Place.

The Hamilton Building is at the campus's eastern edge. There are two entrances, indicated by blue arrows above:

Inside, the HMI is located on the east side of the building, across the corridor from the Salmon lecture theatre. It's accessible from the ground floor through door 16 (indicated in marker above the door's upper-left corner); there is a plaque with "Hamilton Mathematics Institute" to the right of the door.

If the door isn't open please press the "second floor" buzzer and someone should let you in. The HMI seminar room is on the third (and top) floor.


Note: The door to the right (door 17) also has a "Hamilton Mathematics Institute" plaque, though this one is mounted above the door. Please use door 16, as pictured above. Yes, this is a bit confusing.