Paper Submission Guidelines (by INDICO) : PDF downloadable
❍ create indico(CERN) account (consult fig. 1 below)
click here:
<Fig 1. create indico(CERN) account>
❍ set/change passwd of indico(CERN) account (consult fig 2)
- After creating indico account according fig 1, link for password setting of indico(CERN) will be sent to your e-mail.
(password can be set/modified)
<fig 2. set/change passwd of indico(CERN) account>
❍ Conference Registration by Registration Form in ICABU2022 homepage
(consult fig 3)
<fig 3. Registration Form in ICABU2022 homepage>
❍ Paper Submission
use menu of ICABU22 homepage (by INDICO):
ICABU2022 Paper Submission-Paper Submission
1. click ‘submit new abstract button’ in
‘ICABU2022 Paper Submission-Paper Submission’
(consult fig 4)
<fig 4. submit new abstract button: using submit new abstract button>
2. Type indico(CERN) ID and password (consult fig 5)
<fig. 5. Type indico(CERN) id and password>
<fig. 6. login with indico(CERN) id and password>
3. Submit your paper file(s)
- Type your paper info (paper title, principal author, etc.)
- Type any word(s) in Content (one of the key words, etc.)
- Drag your paper file into the Attachment Area
- choose contribute type as‘conference paper submission’
- choose abstract fields (Accelerator / Beam Utilization / KOPUA)
- Press submit button (Then, your Paper will be uploaded.)
<fig 7. popup for abstract submission>