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30 November 2022 to 2 December 2022
ULB, Campus de la Plaine
Europe/Zurich timezone

Co-genesis in a dark sector

1 Dec 2022, 14:00
Salle Solvay (NO Buidling, 5th floor) (ULB, Campus de la Plaine)

Salle Solvay (NO Buidling, 5th floor)

ULB, Campus de la Plaine

Boulevard de la Plaine, 1050 Brussels


Xiaoyong Chu


A dark sector with its internal structure can generate the observed dark matter abundance and baryon asymmetry and thus addresses the coincidence between the two. This talk focuses on the framework in which non-vanishing chemical potentials may grow in such a dark sector, leading to a rich phenomenology. I will discuss the models and the relevant phenomenological predictions, including dark matter detection signals, as well as potential effects on cosmology.

Presentation materials