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30 November 2022 to 2 December 2022
ULB, Campus de la Plaine
Europe/Zurich timezone

The domain of thermal dark matter, and a hot, dark history of the Universe

1 Dec 2022, 10:45
Salle Solvay (NO Buidling, 5th floor) (ULB, Campus de la Plaine)

Salle Solvay (NO Buidling, 5th floor)

ULB, Campus de la Plaine

Boulevard de la Plaine, 1050 Brussels


Rupert Coy (ULB)


Thermal dark matter (DM) covers a well-motivated class of candidates. In this talk, I will firstly consider DM in a hidden sector with temperature T', and find the allowed, model-independent parameter space in terms of the DM mass and the ratio T'/T. Then I will look specifically at the T'/T >> 1 case, taking dark QED as a representative example, and show how large entropy production allows the model to go beyond the generic domain.

Presentation materials