Evan Vienneau
(University of Alberta)
We construct the full spacetime of a minimal uncertainty inspired black hole, borrowing the improved prescription from loop quantum gravity. In the minimal uncertainty approach, minimalization of the uncertainty relations leads to the deformation of the algebra leading to an effective theory. We show that the asymptotic and classical limits of our model match the Schwrazschild solution, and the singularity is resolved. We also report on an interesting relation between the minimal uncertainty parameters and the Barbero-Immirzi parameter. Finally we show the modified behaviour of infalling geodesics and the photon sphere compared to the classical Schwarzschild spacetime.
Evan Vienneau
(University of Alberta)
Doug Gingrich
(University of Alberta (CA))
Federica Fragomeno
(University of Alberta)
Saeed Rastgoo
(University of Alberta)
Samantha Hergott
(York University / Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics)