List of invited speakers
- Elke-Caroline Aschenauer (BNL, USA): The electron-ion collider -- A world wide unique collider to unravel the mysteries of visible matter
- Gabriela Barenboim (UV, Spain): Neutrinos at 66
- Ulisses Barres (CBPF, Brazil): The SWGO experiment
- Mauricio Bustamante (NBI, Denmark): Astrophysics and fundamental physics from high-energy cosmic messengers
- Marcela Carena (Fermilab, USA): New opportunities for Electroweak Baryogenesis
- James Dent (SHSU, USA): New physics with gravitational waves
- Claudio Dib (USM, Chile): The ANDES project
- Carlos Andres Florez Bustos (UniAndes, Colombia): CMS status and perspectives for Run 3
- Marcelo Gameiro Munhoz (IFUSP, Brazil): ALICE status and perspectives for Run 3
- Carlos Herdeiro (UA, Portugal): Black holes: on the universality of the Kerr hypothesis
- Ana Machado (UNICAMP, Brazil): The DUNE experiment
- Fernando Monticelli (UNLP, Argentina): ATLAS status and perspectives for Run 3
- Irina Nasteva (UFRJ, Brazil): LHCb status and perspectives for Run 3
- Luis Otiniano (CONIDA, Peru): The LAGO Project
- Claudia Ratti (UH, USA): QCD equation of state
- Laura Reina (FSU, USA): The Higgs after LHC: from the HL-LHC to future colliders
- Pablo Roig (CINVESTAV, Mexico): New physics tests in lepton decays
- Rogerio Rosenfeld (IFT-UNESP, Brazil): Cosmology with state-of-the-art photometric galaxy surveys - Dark Energy Survey and Legacy Survey of Space and Time
- Carlos Wagner (UChicago, USA): Higgs physics in the LHC Era
- Gordon Watts (UW, USA): New computing and software frontiers in particle physics
- Oscar Zapata (UDEA, Colombia): Multi-component dark matter