DUNE (Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment) represents one of the most important experimental programs in the current and future scenario of neutrino physics. It will be the first mega-science project on the US sole, involving more than 1,300 physicists and more than 200 Institutions. DUNE will shade light on some of the crucial open questions in neutrino physics: the CP violation in the leptonic sector, the hierarchy of neutrino masses and the octant of θ23. DUNE will make use of a strong and wideband neutrino beam, of a sophisticated near detector, both located at Fermilab (USA) and of a gigantic far detector based on liquid argon technology, installed at the Sanford Underground Research Facility in South Dakota, 1300 km faraway and 1,5km deep underground.
The huge active mass of the far detector will also allow to develop a rich program of non-accelerator physics, such as proton decay searches, supernova neutrinos detection and atmospheric neutrinos detection. New discoveries will be enabled by a broad range of new technologies with unprecedented precision and sensitivity. The photon detection system (PDS), a fundamental component of the far detector, is based on a device, the ARAPUCA, conceived in Brazil and developed with the collaboration of several Latin American Institutions.
The physics program and the status of the DUNE experiment will be presented, with a particular emphasis on the PDS.
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