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Light Dark World 2020 is the fifth meeting of the Light Dark World International Forum. It will be held on December 14-18, 2020, via zoom and is hosted by Sydney-CPPC, the consortium of the particle physics and cosmology groups at the Universities of New South Wales and Sydney. The zoom link for the meeting is https://unsw.zoom.us/j/86793732870?pwd=TEViMkhUbS9YU2tZb29sUk5OT3BrZz09.
Light Dark World 2020 will bring together global experts from experiment and theory to discuss recent advances and develop new opportunities to study new light particles beyond the Standard Model, including light gauge boson, light scalar, light dark matter, axion, axion-like particle, and light sterile neutrinos.
Previous Meetings of the Light Dark World Series are
Plenary speakers: