Virginia Strati
(University of Ferrara, Department of Physics and Earth Sciences, Ferrara, Italy; INFN, Ferrara Section, Ferrara, Italy)
The SNO+ detector is designed to achieve several fundamental physics goals as a low-background experiment, particularly measuring the Earth’s geoneutrino flux. The detector is located at SNOLAB, one of the deepest underground laboratories in the world with an overburden of 2092 m. The goeneutrino signal from originated from the 50 × 50 km upper crust surrounding the detector is estimated adopting a refined 3D model and a full calculation of survival probability. Specifically, the effect of the 2 km overburden on the predicted crustal geoneutrino signal at SNO+ is evaluated. A signal difference corresponding to the ~5% of the total crustal contribution, is found comparting this signal with that obtained by placing SNO+ at sea level.
Virginia Strati
(University of Ferrara, Department of Physics and Earth Sciences, Ferrara, Italy; INFN, Ferrara Section, Ferrara, Italy)
Scott A. Wipperfurth
(Department of Geology, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA)
Marica Baldoncini
(University of Ferrara, Department of Physics and Earth Sciences, Ferrara, Italy)
William McDonough
(Department of Geology, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA; Department of Earth and Planetary Materials Science and Research Center for Neutrino Science, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan. )
Sara Gizzi
(University of Ferrara, Department of Physics and Earth Sciences, Ferrara, Italy)
Fabio Mantovani
(University of Ferrara, Department of Physics and Earth Sciences, Ferrara, Italy; INFN, Ferrara Section, Ferrara, Italy)