10–14 Sept 2018
Other Institutes
Europe/Prague timezone


Summer School on Aspects of Gravity
Prague - Czech Republic
10-14 September 2018


We are happy to announce GRAVITY@Prague, a summer school on the theme of gravity. The school is aimed at advanced graduate students and postdocs.

The lecture series will be delivered by
Geoffrey Compère: Infrared Structure of Gravity
Matthias Gaberdiel: Higher-Spin Field Theories
Zohar Komargodski: Conformal Field Theory
Samaya N. Nissanke: Gravitational Waves
Antonio Padilla: The Cosmological Constant
Leonardo Senatore: Effective Field Theory of Large Scale Structure
Alexander Vilenkin: Inflation and the Multiverse

Registration is free and is now OPEN on our website https://gravity-prague.fzu.cz — the deadline is on 30th June 2018.  Early registration is strongly encouraged.  For any further questions please contact us at gravity-prague@fzu.cz

The school is organised by CEICO, The Central European Institute for Cosmology and Fundamental Physics, at the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences and the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University in Prague.

Other Institutes
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics - Charles University V Holešovičkách 2, 180 00 Praha 8 Prague, Czech Republic