21–22 Jul 2021
America/Sao_Paulo timezone

Axion-like Particles via photon-photon fusion @ILC

22 Jul 2021, 10:35


Patricia Rebello Teles (Brazilian Center for Physics Research - CBPF (BR))


"Prospects for measurements of axion-like particles (ALPs) produced via photon-photon fusion in e+e- collisions at the ILC will be presented. Exclusion limits can be reached in various regions of ALP mass versus ALP-photon coupling. ILC beams and detector considerations needed to achieve such results could be also discussed, as well as available MC generators allowing polarized beams. Plans for future collaboration among phenomenologists, theorists, and experimental researchers are expected."

Abstract Title Axion-like Particles via photon-photon fusion @ILC


Daniel Ernani (UFPel) Patricia Rebello Teles (Brazilian Center for Physics Research - CBPF (BR)) Victor Gonçalves (UFPel)

Presentation materials