8:45 AM
Recent highlights from the CMS Experiment
Robert Schoefbeck
(Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))
9:05 AM
ALICE 3: A next generation heavy-ion detector
Jesper Karlsson Gumprecht
(Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))
9:25 AM
Overview of TU Wien Activities at the MedAustron Accelerator Facility
Matthias Kausel
(MedAustron, TU Wien)
9:45 AM
The n_TOF experiment - neutrons for nuclear technology, medicine & fundamental research
Michael Bacak
(Vienna University of Technology (AT))
10:05 AM
Silicon Carbide Detectors for Future Colliders and Medical Applications
Andreas Gsponer
(Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))
10:25 AM
COSINUS and CRESST updates
Philipp Schreiner
(Vienna University of Technology (AT))