General: Opening Ceremony
- Thom(トム) Rawson(ローソン) (Nagasaki International University)
General: 昼食時間 / Lunch time
- There are no conveners in this block
General: ベスト・オープンコースウェア賞について / MAJ Best Open Courseware Awards
- Martin Meadows (Nayoro City University)
General: 昼食時間 / Lunch time
- There are no conveners in this block
General: ベスト・イノベーション賞 / MAJ Best Innovation
- David Yoshiba (Ibaraki Christian University)
General: 閉会式 / Closing Ceremony
- There are no conveners in this block
General: 2日目受付開始 / Day 2 Reception Open
- There are no conveners in this block
General: 年次総会 / Annual General Meeting (AGM)
- There are no conveners in this block
General: レセプション / Reception
- There are no conveners in this block
17/02/2024, 09:00
基調講演 / Keynote speech
Welcome to Nagasaki International University and the 2024 MoodleMoot Japan
Takeshi Matsuzaki
17/02/2024, 11:55
スポンサー提供の発表 / Sponsored presentation
A presentation by one of our Platinum sponsors, E-Learning
Yuki (侑暉) Takahashi (髙橋)
18/02/2024, 12:00
授業でのMoodle利用 / Moodle classroom
スポンサー提供の発表 / Sponsored presentation
キーワード:Moodleの活用, オープンバッジ, マイクロクレデンシャル, 学習歴の可視化
David Yoshiba
(Ibaraki Christian University)
18/02/2024, 14:00
Each year awards will be made for the best developments related to Moodle by members of MAJ. These might be the development of a new module or block, or even a suggested patch to the current code which adds greater...