16–18 Feb 2024
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Creating quiz question banks with ChatGPT

17 Feb 2024, 09:30
2105号室/Room 2105 (長崎国際大学2号館/NIU Building 2)

2105号室/Room 2105

長崎国際大学2号館/NIU Building 2

個人の発表 / Individual Presentation Moodleの機能開発 / Moodle development 2105号室 / Room 2105


Gordon BATESON (Kochi University of Technology)


In this session the presenter will explain in detail how the well-known AI tool "ChatGPT" was used to create a large number of Moodle quiz questions, suitable for filling a question category and adding to a Moodle Quiz as a "random" question. The explanation will include a description of the choice of model (GPT-3.5-turbo, GPT-4) and the development of suitable prompts that produce reliable and well-structured output.

The prompts were developed by interacting directly with ChatGPT via its website. Several question formats were tested including text, GIFT and XML. By giving examples and using place-markers in templates, it was possible to create prompts that "trained" ChatGPT to give useable responses formatted as XML that could be directly "imported" into the Moodle question bank.

In the final stage of the project, a PHP script was developed to send the prompts to ChatGPT via its API. Upon receiving the output from ChatGPT, the script automatically adds the questions into Moodle. At the end of the presentation, an actual implementation of this technique to produce a bank of questions suitable for training and testing vocabulary will be demonstrated.

これは商業的な発表会なのか?/ Is this a commercial presentation? 非商用 / Non-commercial
発表日の希望 / Preferred day 2月17日(土)/ February 17 Saturday
発表の種類 / Presentation type プレゼンテーション(40分)/ Presentation (40 mins)


Gordon BATESON (Kochi University of Technology)

Presentation materials