16–18 Feb 2024
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Moodle AI-enhanced Gamification with World Bank's Evoke Project

Not scheduled
2105号室/Room 2105 (長崎国際大学2号館/NIU Building 2)

2105号室/Room 2105

長崎国際大学2号館/NIU Building 2

個人の発表 / Individual Presentation Moodleによる学習分析とA.I. / Learning Analytics & A.I. with Moodle 2105号室 / Room 2105


AI generated characters and images for student gaming in SDG is being used in Moodle environment by a World Bank project called, "Evoke". Evoke is an award-winning educational experience that uses project-based learning, game mechanics, graphic novel content and storytelling designed to engage young people and inspire them to solve global challenges while developing 21st Century skills. In this lightning presentation, I will re-tell the story of head programmer, Willian Mano, who built the Evoke gaming world into Moodle and illustrate the innovative aspects of it. The four major innovations involve storytelling around SDG problems, badge design and principles, and coin awards that can be used in a learning 'marketplace'.

これは商業的な発表会なのか?/ Is this a commercial presentation? 非商用 / Non-commercial
発表日の希望 / Preferred day 2月17日(土)/ February 17 Saturday
発表の種類 / Presentation type ケース・スタディー(20分)/ Case study (20 mins)

Presentation materials

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