16–18 Feb 2024
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Bridging the Digital Divide: Bringing Moodle to Warzone, Refugees and the Unconnected.

18 Feb 2024, 15:20
1101号室/Room 1101 (長崎国際大学1号館/NIU Building 1)

1101号室/Room 1101

長崎国際大学1号館/NIU Building 1

個人の発表 / Individual Presentation Moodleのコミュニティ / Moodle community 1101号室 / Room 1101


Luc Gougeon


The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) reported in 2022 that 66% of the world is online, leaving 2.7 billion people offline. Moodle offers simple and often innovative ways to bridge the digital gap.
The pandemic forced NGOs to go online, and Moodle turned out to be an essential tool for training people worldwide, often in adverse conditions where online access is less than ideal.
This presentation will present three cases.
1- Implementation of Moodle in Myanmar during a military coup.
2- Moodle to help Afghan war refugees.
3- Offering Moodle as an offline platform to farmers in remote unconnected areas.

Bridging the Digital Divide: Bringing Moodle to Conflict-Affected Populations, Refugees, and the Unconnected
Despite significant advancements in digital connectivity, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) estimates that 2.6 billion people will remain offline as of 2023. This digital divide has far-reaching consequences, limiting access to education, information, and social and economic development opportunities. Moodle offers innovative solutions to bridge this digital gap.
The COVID-19 pandemic forced non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to transition their programs and training initiatives online. Moodle emerged as a critical tool for NGOs to train vulnerable populations worldwide, often under challenging conditions with limited internet access.
This presentation will explore three cases where Moodle has played a pivotal role :
Moodle in Myanmar during a military coup: Amidst a political crisis and widespread internet disruptions, Moodle provided a lifeline for educational continuity.
Moodle for Afghan war refugees: In the face of displacement, Moodle offered Afghan refugees a platform for accessing training that would allow them to accelerate access to travel visas.
Moodle as an offline platform for remote, unconnected farmers: Moodle's offline capabilities will be discussed to reach people with limited access to electricity or the internet.
These cases highlight Moodle's versatility and adaptability in addressing the unique challenges of bridging the digital divide for conflict-affected populations, refugees, and unconnected communities. Moodle's open-source nature, flexibility, and offline

これは商業的な発表会なのか?/ Is this a commercial presentation? 非商用 / Non-commercial
発表日の希望 / Preferred day どちらの日でも結構です / Either day is fine
発表の種類 / Presentation type プレゼンテーション(40分)/ Presentation (40 mins)


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