I will showcase our recent works on heavy-flavour and dijet production at the LHC.
There is a broad consensus that we are at the threshold of a major breakthrough referred to as physics Beyond the Standard Model (BSM). If one agrees with the inadequacy of the Standard Model (SM) to explain the growing list of new, puzzling phenomena, it becomes obvious that the first key steps towards the solution are bound to come from experiments. It is also expected that neutrinos – the...
The talk will contain a brief description of the most recent physics results from the TOTEM experiment at the LHC, especially the ones concerning the evidence of the t-channel exchange of a colourless C-odd three-gluon compound state, the so-called Odderon, in elastic scattering. Also a short description of the future plans of the experiment will be included.
With more than 100 fb-1 collected along LHC run 2, the CMS-TOTEM Precision Proton Spectrometer allows to probe the fundamental structure of the Standard model in various ways through the detection of forward scattered protons in combination with the central system. In this talk, the spectrometer and its detection principles will be presented, along with the first result obtained so far. In...
The only scalar field in the Standard Model -the Higgs- can drive cosmological inflation. Despite being its simple and conservative construction, Higgs inflation opens up involved questions about loop corrections and renormalisation. It also offers the possibility to distinguish between different gravitational degrees of freedom using measurements of the CMB.
The decision of the LAGUNA consortium to jump onboard of non-European projects (namely DUNE and JUNO) could have been the final blow to the underground physics, and the whole re-use of the Pyhäsalmi mine. However, instead, it was the beginning of something new.
Before the activities in Pyhäsalmi Mine had concentrated in underground physics, but now as the main aim fade away, it gave room...