11 October 2024
University of Aveiro
Europe/Lisbon timezone


Nanomaterials, Optics & Photonics (Chair: Ariel Gurreiro, Universidade do Porto) - Anf. Física (13.1.19)

11 Oct 2024, 14:30
University of Aveiro

University of Aveiro

Campus Universitário de Santiago, Departamento de Física

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João Silva (INL - International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory, Ultrafast Bio- and Nanophotonics group, Av. Mestre José Veiga s/n, Braga, Portugal; Department of Physics and Astronomy, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto, Rua Campo Alegre 687, Porto, Portugal; INESC TEC, CAP – Centre for Applied Photonics, Rua do Campo Alegre 687, Porto, Portugal)
11/10/2024, 15:30
Contributed Talk (20 minutes)

This presentation summarizes the advances made in the first two years of my PhD fellowship program. Significant progress has been achieved in the area of laser-writing of nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers, characterization of fluorescence microscopy and developing of ODMR systems and protocols for optimized sensitivity.
Advancements were made in the laser writing of NV center ensembles in...

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