Parallel Session III.1
- Luca Merlo
We propose a new search for Axion-Like Particles (ALPs), targeting Vector Boson Scattering (VBS) processes at the LHC. We consider nonresonant ALP-mediated VBS, where the ALP participates as an off-shell mediator. This process occurs whenever the ALP is too light to be produced resonantly, and it takes advantage of the derivative nature of ALP interactions with the electroweak Standard Model...
We point out that hints of deviations from unitarity in the first row of the CKM matrix may be explained by the presence of a single vector-like top. We study how the stringent experimental constraints arising from CP Violation in the kaon sector and from meson mixing can be satisfied in the proposed framework. In order for the deviations from unitarity to be of the required size while keeping...
In 2019 the LHCb experiment discovered for the first time a clear signal of direct CP violation in the charm meson decays to $\pi^+\pi^-$ and $K^+K^-$, a result which is expected to be further refined in the upcoming decade. However, the theoretical SM determination of the strong part of those amplitudes remains incomplete up to date. In this work, we make use of dispersion relations to...