Uma tarde aberta a todos para conhecer a atividade de investigação e desenvolvimento que se faz no Departamento de Física!
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Lista de posters:
- Spin in a planar relativistic fermion problem
- Impressão da matéria escura nas estrelas de neutrões
- Dark Matter
- Development of the Underground Performance Monitor for LZ
- Prototype Detector for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Studies
- Shield wires effect on GICs in Portuguese power network and design of an instrument to monitor GICs in the transformer neutrals
- Development of an in-beam time-of-flight positron emission tomograph for monitoring proton therapy
- Ionosphere monitoring with GNSS receivers and aviation safety
- Proton therapy: real-time prompt gamma imaging and microdosimetry
- Understanding the non-perturbative regime of QCD
- Estudo de nanopartículas de perovskites para aplicação em sensores de gás
- Shield wires effect on GICs in Portuguese power network and design of an instrument to monitor GICs in the transformer neutrals
- Light Hyperclusters in Warm Stellar Matter
- Shining black hole bombs
- Synthesis and magnetic studies of low-doped Co, Zn, Mn
- The nervous system of the LUX-ZEPLIN detector
- Caracterization of mixtures of noble gases with molecular additives for radiation detectors
- Experimental ion mobility studiesof alternative gas mixtures for the LCTPC
- The impact of the Earth subsurface on GICs estimation
- The solar quiet variation observed near the vortex focus: effect of the geomagnetic activity and vortex dynamics on the Sq extraction
- Microwave Spectroscopy and Molecular Physics
- AMEGO Mission Polarimetric Prospects
- Compton Cubesat Prototype
- Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes Analisis for Aircraft Transport Safety
- Green tea epigallocathechin-3-gallate (EGCG) - A promising agent for reduction of colorectal cancer cells viability
- A F-18 FDG mouse brain study with easyPET: the potential of quercetin in cocaine acute exposure
- The upgrade of the ATLAS experiment at the LHC
- Hyperonic stars and the symmetry energy