We suggest an extension of the gauge principle which includes new tensor gauge bosons. In this extension of the Yang-Mills theory the vector bosons of SM become the members of the bigger family of gauge bosons of larger spins. The proposed extension is essentially based on the extension of the Poincar ́e algebra. We calculated the scattering amplitudes of tensor bosons at tree level, as well...
We report on the quark-gluon vertice in the Landau gauge obtained via the combination of various non-perturbative methods. The vertex takes into account only its longitudinal tensor structures. The longitudinal form factors are strongly enhanced at the infrared region, deviate significantly from the tree level results for quark and gluon momentum below 2 GeV and at higher momentum approach...
In a Quantum Field Theory like QCD, the knowledge of all Green's functions allows a complete description of the theory. In particular, propagators of the fundamental fields of QCD (gluons, ghosts, quarks) encode information about non-perturbative phenomena like confinement or chiral symmetry breaking. In this talk we review recent results about these propagators and related vertices, computed...