I will summarize activity and results for objectives defined within the Working Group 3.
While one of the parameters of the Higgs potential, the Higgs boson mass, is known quite well meanwhile, the Higgs boson self-couplings are still largely unconstrained.
We show how anomalous trilinear Higgs couplings, as well as other anomalous couplings in the Higgs sector, impact the shapes of distributions in Higgs boson pair production. In particular we investigate the interplay between...
I would like to review recent progress in High Energy Factorization which aim at advancement of the formalism to account for large x effects as well as to account for proper operator definitions of parton densities.
I talk on the status on the theoretical interpretation of the top quark mass parameter in Monte Carlo event generators. This issue affects how the direct top quark mass measurements are related to field theory top quark mass measurements, and particular scrutiny has to be applied to theory and Monte Carlo event generators alike to match the experimental future prospects for direct mass...