We report on recent progress on the splitting functions for the evolution of parton distributions and related quantities, the (lightlike) cusp anomalous dimensions, in perturbative QCD.
New results are presented for the four-loop (next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order, N^3LO) contributions to the flavour-singlet splitting functions and the gluon cusp anomalous dimension.
We present first...
The so-called Z-Penguin is generated at one-loop order in the standard model and contributes to various flavour changing quark decays. I will discuss its phenomenology and its calculation in the standard model and beyond. A special focus will be put on the renormalisation of the Z-Penguin vertex in perturbative unitary theories.
I review recent progress in understanding the origin and structure of next-to-leading power threshold logarithms for prompt photon production and Drell-Yan, including, for the latter, their all order resummation at the leading logarithmic level.
In this talk I review the recent developments of the evaluation of the two-loop scattering amplitude μe —> μe. I focus my discussion on the implementation of the adaptive integrand decomposition algorithm and the interplay with available tools for the reduction and computation of multi-loop integrals. Furthermore, I comment on the progress made towards the renormalisation of the amplitude....