Following our discovery of a significant signal in photon-photon data near 38 MeV, it was declared by the responsible Collaboration to be due to a detector artefact. We will show that the latter claim is not substantiated by the data simulation produced by the Collaboration and, moreover, present further experimental and theoretical results which support the existence of a boson lighter than the pion.
In 1995 the L3 collaboration observed an enhancement at 28 GeV in three-photon decays of the $Z$ boson. Very recently, the CMS collaboration tentatively found an enhancement at the same energy in the invariant-mass distribution of muon pairs associated with a $b$-quark jet plus at least another jet. We interpret these signals not as the observation of an unknown resonance at 28 GeV, but rather...
I will discuss doubly charged Higgs bosons $H^{±±}$ pair production in lepton and hadron colliders with their subsequent decays to four charged leptons. I will focus on the Higgs Triplet Model (HTM), which realizes Type-II seesaw mechanism, and Minimal Left-Right Symmetric Model (MLRSM). Both models contain extended scalar sector with additional triplet(s), leading to the existence of neutral...