In this talk, we discuss some recent results related with highly-precise predictions for hadron colliders involving mixed QCD-QED effects. First, we explore fixed-order QED corrections, showing that the presence of extra-photon radiation leads to novel effects. Then, we describe a generalization of the $q_T$ resummation/subtraction formalism to deal with photon-gluon radiation simultaneously....
We discuss some subtleties related to the description of anomalies in quantum field theory using Feynman diagrams. Using a setup that operates in the physical dimension to regularize ultraviolet and infrared divergences, we establish some physical criteria to study quantum symmetry breaking. We illustrate with a few examples.
An extended Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model with chiral group $U(2)\times U(2)$ and spin-0 and spin-1 four quark interactions is used to develop the gauge covariant approach to the diagonalization of the $\pi - a_1$ mixing in the presence of electroweak forces. This allows for manifestly gauge covariant description of both the non-anomalous and anomalous parts of the effective meson Lagrangian. It is...
In my talk I introduce an alternate way to perform reductions of special
negative sectors of planar two-loop amplitudes using the Baikov representation.
I will show that for the special negative sectors -- where the inverse propagator
factor appears in the numerator and contains both loop momenta -- can be performed
independently from all the other sectors resulting in a product of two...