26–28 Feb 2019
Department of Physics (University of Coimbra)
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Uncovering new physics with precision

26 Feb 2019, 11:30
Room E10B (Department of Physics (University of Coimbra))

Room E10B

Department of Physics (University of Coimbra)


Heidi Angelika Rzehak (Syddansk Universitet (DK))


The discovery of a Higgs boson in 2012 offers a new opportunity to explore physics beyond the Standard Model. Measuring the properties of the discovered Higgs boson and comparing the results to theory predictions can shed light on the underlying theory of nature. High experimental accuracy but also precise theoretical input are needed for this endeavour.

In the talk, I will discuss direct and indirect probes of the properties of the discovered Higgs boson in the context of different extensions of the Standard Model, for example the Higgs-boson decay in the Two-Higgs-Doublet Model at next-to-leading order.


Heidi Angelika Rzehak (Syddansk Universitet (DK))

Presentation materials