Working Group Meeting and MC Meeting of the
COST Action CA16201
PARTICLEFACE: Unraveling new physics at the
LHC through the precision frontier
The 2019 edition of the Working Group Meeting and MC Meeting of PARTICLEFACE
will take place from 26 to 28 of February 2019 at the Department of Physics of the
University of Coimbra, Portugal.
- Registration: Feb 15, 2019.
- Abstract submission: Feb 15, 2019.
Scientific programme committee:
Chair of the Action: Dr. Germán Rodrigo (ES)
ViceChair of the Action: Prof. Sven-Olaf Moch (DE)
STSM Coordinator: Dr. Vittorio del Duca (CH/IT)
Science Communication Manager: Dr. Gudrun Heinrich (DE)
WG Leaders:
WG1: Claude Duhr (BE) and Carsten Schneider (AT)
WG2: Malgorzata Worek (PL) and Daniel de Florian (AR)
WG3: Janusz Gluza (PL) and Radja Boughezal (US)
WG4: Sven-Olaf Moch (DE)
WG5: Gabor Somogyi (HU) and Martin Gorbahn (UK)
Local organizing committee:
- Brigitte Hiller (CFisUC & UC)
- João Moreira (CFisUC & UC)
- Pedro Costa (CFisUC & UC)
- Isabel Melo (ADDF)