SageManifolds [1] is an extension of the Python-based modern computer algebra system SageMath [2] towards differential geometry and tensor calculus. We shall use it to perform computations and draw figures regarding neutron star and black hole spacetimes. The School participants are encouraged to install the free software SageMath on their computer prior to the school or to open a free account...
Gravitational Wave source Modelling 2: Applications
In this lecture I will apply the basic formalism described in my previous lecture to the gravitational wave emission from neutron stars in various contexts. In particular I will discuss rotating non-axisymmetric neutron stars, making the connection between neutron star microphysics and possible gravitational wave amplitudes explicit.
I will review and explain calculations of bulk and shear
viscosity in various phases of dense quark matter, in unpaired quark
matter as well as in color-superconducting phases such as the
color-flavor locked phase. I will discuss and interpret the results,
which are relevant for instance for the r-mode instability in rotating
stars and thus are measurable, at least indirectly,...