30 September 2024 to 4 October 2024
Europe/Athens timezone

A (super)gravitational perspective on magnetic defects

3 Oct 2024, 17:30


Christopher Rosen


Localized deformations of quantum field theories present interesting
opportunities to enhance our understanding of the features of such
theories at different length scales. This class of deformations is of
particular interest in light of its applicability to inhomogeneities
in cosmological settings, as well as interfaces and impurities in
condensed matter systems.

Despite the inherent interest of these systems, they are comparatively
difficult to study (especially at strong coupling). Recently, progress
has been made in quantifying the properties of these systems by
employing a "holographic" duality that rephrases these deformed
quantum field theories in terms of the variables of a dual higher
dimensional (super)gravity theory. I provide a brief introduction to
this application of gauge/gravity duality, focusing on the
gravitational dual of a magnetic superconformal defect. I further
overview recent notable results in this direction.

Presentation materials