Vishnu Padmanabhan Kovilakam
(Oklahoma State University)
In this talk, I shall describe how the recent high precision measurement of the $W$-boson mass by the CDF collaboration and the muon $(g-2)$ anomaly are correlated in the context of the two Higgs doublet model. The charged and neutral scalars of the model cannot be heavier than about 600 GeV for a simultaneous explanation of the two anomalies. The entire parameter space of the model can be tested at the LHC by a combination of same sign dimuon signals in $pp \rightarrow (\mu^+ \mu^+ jj + {E\!\!\!\!/}_{T})$ and $pp \rightarrow (\mu^+\mu^-\tau^+\tau^-+X)$ signals.
Kaladi Babu
(Oklahoma State University)
Sudip Jana
(Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik)
Vishnu Padmanabhan Kovilakam
(Oklahoma State University)