The Modified Archimedes Principle

Not scheduled
1h 30m


Mr Arnold Lasky (Unaffiliated)



The Modified Archimedes Principle (MAP) is a modified gravity theory, which holds that a massive body, such as the sun, or a mass equivalent vacuum energy body, such as a halo, which is immersed in the vacuum energy of space, displaces a volume of such space that is centered on such body and contains an amount of mass equivalent vacuum energy that is exactly equal to the mass of the displacing body. This displacement generates a force that complements the mass attracting gravitational force, induces and is induced by the gravitational force, and is called gravitodisplacement (my term).

Actual mass/electromagnetic energy and virtual mass/vacuum energy equally comprise a unified mass/energy system that is expressed most strongly at the surface of a displacing body, from where, pursuant to the inverse square law, attenuated vacuum energy is exponentially amplified, repelled to and concentrated within, a distant vacuum energy "halo". Since vacuum energy is dissipated at the surface of the massive earth, the Casimir plate test results became skewed, in that mass equivalent vacuum energy halos do account for observed stellar/galactic movements.

Two years before its telescopic discovery, your author copyrighted a prediction of the existence of the Kuiper cliff (not the name). Confirmation-of-prediction is accepted proof-of-theory. MAP explains what the Kuiper cliff is, and why it is, where it is, which are unknowns, to this day.

MAP also predicts the existence of the scattered disc cliff and other solar and extrasolar cliffs, and offers plausible interpretations of, et al: the flyby anomaly; the composition and structure of halos; the composition and structure of voids; dark matter/energy; the fabric of space-time; the large scale structure of the universe; the variable acceleration/deceleration/acceleration of the universe; and the cosmological constant.


Mr Arnold Lasky (Unaffiliated)

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