Lattice developments
- Karl Jansen (DESY)
Lattice developments
- William Detmold (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Lattice developments
- Taku Izubuchi (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Lattice developments
- Peter Petreczky (BNL)
Krzysztof Cichy
07/04/2018, 09:40
Zohreh Davoudi
07/04/2018, 11:20
David Lin
(National Chiao-Tung University)
07/04/2018, 12:00
Constantia Alexandrou
07/04/2018, 14:00
Gunnar Bali
(Universität Regensburg)
07/04/2018, 14:40
yibo yang
(University of Kentucky, US)
07/04/2018, 15:20
Christopher Monahan
07/04/2018, 16:30
Jeremy Green
(DESY, Zeuthen)
07/04/2018, 17:10