Computing, Analysis Tool and Data Handling
- Ahmed Youssef (University of Cincinnati)
In this talk, I will introduce ARCANE reweighting, a new Monte Carlo technique to solve the negative weights problem in collider event generation. We will see a demonstration of the technique in the generation of $(e^+ e^- \longrightarrow q\bar{q} + 1~\mathrm{jet})$ events under the MC@NLO formalism.
In this scenario, ARCANE can reduce the fraction of negative weights by redistributing the...
The Large Hadron Collider was developed, in part, to produce and study heavy particles such as the top quark. The lifetime of the top quark is on the order of less than $10^{-24}$ seconds. Due to its short lifetime, the top quark is observed indirectly by particle detectors through the particles it decays into. A key part of reconstructing heavy particles for observation is to properly assign...
One key problem in collider physics is that of binary classification to fully reconstruct final states. Considering top quark pair production in the fully hadronic channel as an example, we explore the effectiveness of multiple variational quantum algorithms (VQAs) including quantum approximation optimization algorithm (QAOA) and its derivatives. Compared against other approaches, such as...
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will undergo a major improvement from 2026-2028 called High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC). The number of collisions per proton bunch crossing will increase from ~60 to ~200. This will stress the current event selection (trigger) system, and the efficiency of specialized jet triggers in particular. An important challenge lies in classifying jets coming from a single...
The CMS detector will upgrade its tracking detector in preparation for the High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC). The Phase-2 outer tracker layout will consist of 6 barrel layers in the center and 5 endcap layers. These will be composed of two different types of double-sensor modules, capable of reading out hits compatible with charged particles with transverse momentum above 2 GeV...
Monte Carlo event generators that simulate particle-particle collisions are an integral part of high-energy particle and nuclear physics. Physics processes implemented in the aforementioned event generators often include multiple parameters which are turned to experimental measurements. While the global tuning of the $\texttt{Herwig7}$ Monte Carlo event generator is in good agreement with data...