Min-Gwa Park
(Jeonbuk National University)
We focus on the potential of neutrino - 13C neutral current interactions in clarifying the reactor antineutrino flux around the 6 MeV region. The interactions produce 3.685 MeV photon line via the process of de-excitation of 13C in organic liquid scintillators, which can be observed in reactor neutrino experiments. We expect the future measurements of neutrino - 13C cross section in JUNO and IsoDAR@Yemilab at low energies might help testing the reactor flux models with the assistance of excellent particle identification.
Chang Sub Shin
(Institute for Basic Science)
Meshkat Rajaee
(Jeonbuk National University)
Min-Gwa Park
(Jeonbuk National University)
Pouya Bakhti
Seodong Shin
(Jeonbuk National University)