13–17 May 2024
University of Pittsburgh / Carnegie Mellon University
US/Eastern timezone

Born-Oppenheimer Potentials for Double-Heavy Hadrons

14 May 2024, 17:15
David Lawrence Hall 209 (University of Pittsburgh)

David Lawrence Hall 209

University of Pittsburgh

QCD & Heavy Ion Physics QCD & Heavy Ion Physics


Mr Fareed Alasiri (Ohio State University)


Double-heavy hadrons can be identified as bound states in the Born-Oppenheimer potentials for QCD. We present parameterizations of the 5 lowest Born-Oppenheimer potentials from pure $SU(3)$ lattice gauge theory as functions of the separation $r$ of the static quark and antiquark sources. The parametrizations have the correct limiting behavior at small $r$, where the potentials form multiplets associated with gluelumps. They also have the correct limiting behavior at large $r$, where the potentials form multiplets associated with excitations of a relativistic string. These Born-Oppenheimer potentials can be used to develop models based on QCD for the many exotic heavy hadrons that have been discovered since 2003.


Mr Fareed Alasiri (Ohio State University)


Abhishek Mohapatra (Technical University of Munich) Eric Braaten

Presentation materials