In this talk, I will introduce ARCANE reweighting, a new Monte Carlo technique to solve the negative weights problem in collider event generation. We will see a demonstration of the technique in the generation of $(e^+ e^- \longrightarrow q\bar{q} + 1~\mathrm{jet})$ events under the MC@NLO formalism.
In this scenario, ARCANE can reduce the fraction of negative weights by redistributing the contributions of $\mathbb{H}$- and $\mathbb{S}$-type events a) without introducing any biases in the distribution of physical observables and b) without requiring any changes to the matching and merging prescriptions used.
I believe that the technique can be applied to other processes of interest like $(q\bar{q}\longrightarrow W + \mathrm{jets})$ and $(q\bar{q}\longrightarrow t\bar{t}+\mathrm{jets})$ as well.