13–17 May 2024
University of Pittsburgh / Carnegie Mellon University
US/Eastern timezone

ANNIE with Large Area Picosecond Photodetector

16 May 2024, 16:30
David Lawrence Hall 107 (University of Pittsburgh)

David Lawrence Hall 107

University of Pittsburgh

Neutrino Physics Neutrino Physics


Yue Feng


The Accelerator Neutrino Neutron Interaction Experiment (ANNIE) is a 26-ton water Cherenkov experiment with the Large Area Picosecond Photodetector (LAPPD), operating on the Booster Neutrino Beamline at Fermilab. ANNIE aims to measure the neutron yield from neutrino-nucleus interactions as a function of lepton kinematics to reduce systematic uncertainties in future long baseline neutrino oscillation experiments. ANNIE is also a test bed for novel detector technologies, including LAPPDs, whose precision timing and imaging capabilities are expected to improve the reconstruction of the lepton and the neutrino interaction vertex. ANNIE has achieved the first successful detection of muon neutrino interactions using an LAPPD. We show early results from these data. In particular, by studying the photon arrival gradient across a LAPPD for selected neutrino events, we illustrate the LAPPD’s imaging and track reconstruction capabilities.


Presentation materials