13–17 May 2024
University of Pittsburgh / Carnegie Mellon University
US/Eastern timezone

Cosmological Stasis and the Growth of Density Perturbations

15 May 2024, 16:15
Barco Law Building 107 (University of Pittsburgh)

Barco Law Building 107

University of Pittsburgh

Cosmology & Dark Energy Cosmology & Dark Energy


Ms Anna Paulsen (Lafayette College)


Cosmological stasis is a phenomenon in which multiple energy components in the universe (such as matter, radiation, or vacuum energy) maintain constant abundances despite cosmological expansion. Such epochs have recently been shown to arise naturally in cosmologies associated with numerous extensions of the Standard Model, and can persist across many e-folds of expansion. In this talk, I describe how the evolution of perturbations in the matter and radiation densities is affected by the presence of a matter/radiation stasis epoch within the cosmological timeline. I also discuss the resulting implications for structure on small scales.


Ms Anna Paulsen (Lafayette College)


Prof. Brooks Thomas (Lafayette College) Dr Fei Huang (Weizmann Institute) Prof. Keith Dienes (University of Arizona) Dr Lucien Heurtier (King's College London) Prof. Timothy Tait (University of California Irvine)

Presentation materials