May 13 – 17, 2024
University of Pittsburgh / Carnegie Mellon University
US/Eastern timezone

Software Training as an enabler of community engagement and broader impacts

May 14, 2024, 4:00 PM
Barco Law Building 109 (University of Pittsburgh)

Barco Law Building 109

University of Pittsburgh

Outreach, Community Engagement & DEI Outreach, Community Engagement & DEI


Sudhir Malik (University of Puerto Rico (US))


HEP experiments are operated by thousands of international collaborators and serve as big drivers of frontier science and human knowledge. They provide a fertile ground to train next generation of scientists. While we invest in science, it is equally imperative that we integrate in our scientific mission, opportunities for participation and contribution from underrepresented and marginalized populations of our society. One of most powerful enablers to alleviate this challenge is to address the needs of professional development that can advance skills needed to succeed in HEP and STEM areas. NSF-funded IRIS-HEP "Training, Education & Outreach" program is uniquely placed to implement this. Its experiment agnostic collaborative approach has trained over two thousand users with sustainability as its centerpiece. Its open source training modules allow technical continuity and collaboration. Beyond HEP users, this software material is used to train students in HEP based internship programs, imparting an enriched experience. Its broader impacts allow software training for the high school teachers with a goal to tap, grow and diversify the talent pipeline for future cyber-infrastructure, starting with K-12 students. These efforts are lowering the barriers and building a path for a greater participation in STEM areas by our underrepresented populations. This contribution would describe the aforementioned efforts.


Sudhir Malik (University of Puerto Rico (US))

Presentation materials