13–17 May 2024
University of Pittsburgh / Carnegie Mellon University
US/Eastern timezone

Momentum shift and on-shell constructible massive amplitudes

16 May 2024, 16:45
David Lawrence Hall 105 (University of Pittsburgh)

David Lawrence Hall 105

University of Pittsburgh

Quantum Field & String Theory Quantum Field & String Theory


Ishmam Mahbub (University of Minnesota Twin Cities)


We construct tree-level amplitude for massive particles using on-shell recursion relations based on two classes of momentum shifts: an all-line transverse shift that deforms momentum by its transverse polarization vector, and a massive BCFW-type shift. We illustrate that these shifts allow us to correctly calculate four-point and five-point amplitudes in massive QED, without an ambiguity associated with the contact terms that may arise from a simple "gluing'' of lower-point on-shell amplitudes. We discuss various aspects and applicability of the two shifts, including the large-z behavior and complexity scaling. We show that there exists a ''good'' all-line transverse shift for all possible little group configurations of the external particles, which can be extended to a broader class of theories with massive particles such as massive QCD and theories with massive spin-1 particles. The massive BCFW-type shift enjoys more simplicity, but a ''good'' shift does not exist for all the spin states due to the specific choice of spin axis.


Ishmam Mahbub (University of Minnesota Twin Cities) Kunfeng Lyu (University of Minnesota) Ting Gao (University of Minnesota) Wenqi Ke (University of Minnesota) Yohei Ema Zhen Liu

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