13–17 May 2024
University of Pittsburgh / Carnegie Mellon University
US/Eastern timezone

Phenomenologically Viable Froggatt-Nielsen Solutions to the Lepton Flavor Puzzle

14 May 2024, 14:30
David Lawrence Hall 209 (University of Pittsburgh)

David Lawrence Hall 209

University of Pittsburgh

Quark and Lepton Flavor Physics Quark and Lepton Flavor Physics


Micah Mellors


The fermion mass hierarchy of the Standard Model (SM) spans many orders of magnitude and begs for a further explanation. The Froggatt-Nielsen (FN) mechanism is a popular solution which introduces an additional $U(1)$ symmetry to the SM under which SM fermions are charged. We studied the general class of FN solutions to the lepton flavor puzzle, including multiple different scenarios of neutrino masses. In this talk, we present preliminary results for the phenomenologically viable set of leptonic FN solutions. We calculate the magnitude of resulting flavor-changing observables for both low-energy decays and collider signatures, especially the observational potential of a future muon collider. We also discuss the potential for distinguishing between different FN scenarios based on the patterns observed in flavor-violating observables.



Claudia Cornella David Curtin (University of Toronto) Gordan Krnjaic (Fermilab)

Presentation materials