13–17 May 2024
University of Pittsburgh / Carnegie Mellon University
US/Eastern timezone

Multi Higgs Boson Signals of a Modified Muon Yukawa Coupling at a Muon Collider

16 May 2024, 16:45
David Lawrence Hall 207 (University of Pittsburgh)

David Lawrence Hall 207

University of Pittsburgh

Electroweak & Higgs Physics Electroweak & Higgs Physics


Taegyu Lee (Indiana University)


SMEFT is an efficient tool to parametrize the effect of BSM physics in a model-independent way. We study di-Higgs and tri-Higgs productions at the muon collider which is parametrized by the dimension 6 mass operator. We also study di-boson and tri-boson processes which also include the production of Goldstone bosons. We discuss possible model dependence of multi-boson processes resulting from other dimension 6 operators and identify that multi-Higgs processes could be a golden channel for studying deviation in muon Yukawa coupling. Finally, we extend the study to two Higgs doublet model type-II and show that cross-sections for multi-Higgs productions involving heavy Higgs bosons can be enhanced up to by a factor of which could be very sensitive probe of deviation in muon Yukawa coupling.


Keith Hermanek (Indiana University) Dr Navin McGinnis (Arizona university) Radovan Dermisek (Indiana University) Sangsik Yoon (Indiana University) Taegyu Lee (Indiana University)

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