13–17 May 2024
University of Pittsburgh / Carnegie Mellon University
US/Eastern timezone

FORMOSA: looking forward to millicharged particles at the LHC

15 May 2024, 17:15
David Lawrence Hall 121 (University of Pittsburgh)

David Lawrence Hall 121

University of Pittsburgh


Matt Joyce (Ohio State University (US))


The FORMOSA detector at the proposed Forward Physics Facility is a scintillator-based experiment designed to search for signatures of "millicharged particles" produced in the forward region of the LHC. This talk will cover the challenges and impressive sensitivity of the FORMOSA detector, expected to extend current limits by over an order of magnitude. A pathfinder experiment, the FORMOSA demonstrator, was installed in the FASER cavern at the LHC in early 2024 and has been collecting collisional data. Results from this demonstrator and important implications for the full detector design will be shown.


Matt Joyce (Ohio State University (US)) Matthew Daniel Citron (University of California Davis (US))

Presentation materials