13–17 May 2024
University of Pittsburgh / Carnegie Mellon University
US/Eastern timezone

Neural Network Based Fast Optical Simulation Method in ProtoDUNE-VD

13 May 2024, 17:00
David Lawrence Hall 121 (University of Pittsburgh)

David Lawrence Hall 121

University of Pittsburgh


Shuaixiang (Shu) Zhang (Indiana University (US))


I will introduce the general concepts of DUNE (Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment), as well as the current status of protoDUNE-VD, one of the two large-scale LArTPC-based DUNE Far Detector prototypes located at CERN. Later, I will focus on my neural network module, aiming at speeding up photon propagation process for optical simulation of protoDUNE-VD. This module is 50 ~ 100 times faster than the traditional GEANT4 method, making the photon detection simulation much more efficient.

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