The upcoming long-baseline experiments, like P2SO, DUNE, T2HK, T2HKK, etc. are highly promising experiments concerning the accurate measurement of various neutrino oscillation parameters. At present, we are looking for a tangible explanation for neutrino masses that are not zero, something that the Standard Model cannot provide. The Large Extra Dimension (LED) theory is one of the strong arguments with regard to the neutrino masses. Historically, LED has been used to explain gravity and the hierarchy problem in particle physics. In the context of neutrinos, the LED model proposes the presence of a right-handed neutrino in a fifth dimension to account for small, non-zero neutrino masses. In this work, we have shown the effect of LED parameters, the LED compactification radius ($R_{ED}$) and smallest neutrino mass $m_0$ in the future experiments like P2SO, and the combination of DUNE, T2HK and P2SO. Our results indicate that P2SO provides a stronger constraint on $R_{ED}$ at the $90\%$ confidence level (C.L.) compared to DUNE and T2HK. Furthermore, the synergy between DUNE, T2HK, and P2SO yields even tighter bounds on $R_{ED}$ at the $90\%$ C.L. than P2SO alone. Furthermore, we have demonstrated how systematic uncertainty affects the bound, demonstrating an exponentially declining variation up to $20 \%$ systematic uncertainty before remaining unchanged thereafter. In our work, we have also shown the effect of $R_{ED}$ on the sensitivity of CP violation, mass hierarchy and octant of atmospheric angle. The result shows a significant difference in the sensitivities which can be probed in future long baseline experiments.
Track type | Neutrino Physics |