Dark matter phenomenology in presence of vector like quarks

16 Oct 2024, 15:00
Seminar Room 2, Convention Center (IIT Hyderabad)

Seminar Room 2, Convention Center

IIT Hyderabad

Parallel talk Parallel - Dark Matter


Shyamashish Dey


Dark matter(DM) has been studied with consideration of many different symmetries and particle content. But it's detection has stayed as ever illusive. In this talk I will present a work where we considered an addition of vector like quark(VLQ) to a very well known DM model, Inert Doublet Model(IDM). The addition of VLQ not only enrich the freeze out mechanism of IDM dark matter but the also has interesting collider signature as a candidate for long lived particle.

Track type Dark Matter


Prof. Prasanta Kumar Das (Birla Institute of Technology and Science Pilani) Prof. Santosh Kumar Rai (Harish Chandra Research Institute) Dr Saumyen Kundu (Harish Chandra Research Institute) Shyamashish Dey

Presentation materials