26–30 Nov 2018
America/Lima timezone
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New anisotropic solution of Einstein's equations

Not scheduled
Sala SUM, Centenario Building (Sociales) (PUCP)

Sala SUM, Centenario Building (Sociales)


Poster (Theory) Poster Session


Mr Pablo León (Universidad de Antofagasta)


The aim of this work was to obtain new analitical solutions for Einstein equations in the anisotropical domain. This was done via the minimal geometric deformation (MGD) approach, which is a simple and systematical method that allow us to decouple the Einstein equations. It requires a perfect fluid known solution that we will choose to be Finch-Skeas(FS) solution. Two different constraints were applied, and in each case we found an interval of values for the free parameters, where necesarly other physical solutions shall live.

arXiv arXiv:1804.06874v3 [gr-qc]


Mr Pablo León (Universidad de Antofagasta) Mr Camilo Las Heras (Universidad de Antofagasta)

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