26–30 Nov 2018
America/Lima timezone
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Photon trigger efficiency of the ATLAS detector in Run-2

Not scheduled
Sala SUM, Centenario Building (Sociales) (PUCP)

Sala SUM, Centenario Building (Sociales)


Poster (Experiment) Poster Session


Gonzalo Enrique Orellana (National University of La Plata (AR))


The production and efficient detection of photons in the ATLAS detector, plays an important role in the different analysis that takes place in the collaboration. Including both studies of the SM process and searches for new physics.

For the photon detection is essential a trigger system that allows a proper signal event selection, and also works for calibration, efficiency and identification measurements. This poster presents a measurement of the efficiency of the photon trigger in the ATLAS detector, using bootstrap techniques and the radiative decay of the Z boson. The data used here correspond to the Run-2 of the LHC, during 2015-2017.


Gonzalo Enrique Orellana (National University of La Plata (AR)) On behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration

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