26–30 Nov 2018
America/Lima timezone
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Research on flavor changing neutral currents beyond the Standard Model

Not scheduled
Sala SUM, Centenario Building (Sociales) (PUCP)

Sala SUM, Centenario Building (Sociales)


Poster (Theory) Poster Session


Ricardo Gaitán (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)


Models beyond the standard model with extra scalars have been highly motived by the discobery of the Higgs boson. The two Higgs doublet model type III considers the most general case for the scalar potential, allowing mixing between neutral CP-even and CP-odd scalars fields. This work presents the results of the study on the t -> c gamma, t -> c Z, and t -> c h_1 decays, where h_1 is the Standard Model Higgs boson. The neutral flavor changing is generated by top-charm-Higgs coupling given by the Yukawa matrix.


Roberto Martinez (Universidad Nacional de Colombia) Ricardo Gaitán (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)

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