26–30 Nov 2018
America/Lima timezone
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Replica Trick and Entanglement Entropy

Not scheduled
Sala SUM, Centenario Building (Sociales) (PUCP)

Sala SUM, Centenario Building (Sociales)


Poster (Theory) Poster Session


Mr Fernando Temoche Hurtado (Grupo de Física Teórica, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos)


The present work is focused on the implementation of path integral formalism for the calculation of entanglement entropy (EE) in quantum field theories (QFT's). First we introduce the alternative definition of EE, $S(A)$, in terms of R\'enyi entropy, $S_n (A)$. Then, we implement the reduced density matrix $\rho_{A}$ as an euclidean path integral. Inmediately after that, we consider the case of massive scalar field and compute EE across a hyperplane in Minkowski spacetime.

Having obtained that result, we will comment on the divergence structure of it, essential to understand the role of EE as a source of universal information of our theory.

arXiv Nishioka, T. (2018). Entanglement entropy: holography and renormal- ization group.. arXiv preprint arXiv:1801.10352.


Mr Fernando Temoche Hurtado (Grupo de Física Teórica, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos)


Prof. Teófilo Vargas Auccalla (Grupo de Física Teórica, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos)

Presentation materials

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